Guestroom Records’ Coronavirus Measures


Properly worn masks covering your nose and mouth are required prior to entry. We will happily provide a mask for you if  you need one  AT NO TIME should you remove your mask while in the store. Sorry, face shields do not count as masks. Customers ar…

Properly worn masks covering your nose and mouth are required prior to entry. We will happily provide a mask for you if you need one AT NO TIME should you remove your mask while in the store. Sorry, face shields do not count as masks. Customers are required to sanitize their hands upon entry and are encouraged to use the sanitization stations throughout the store during their visit.

Watch your distance and take turns at the racks. Signage will direct you to how many persons are allowed in each area of the store. Always keep 6 feet/floor squares between you, our staff and other customers and move through the store with caution.

Watch your distance and take turns at the racks. Signage will direct you to how many persons are allowed in each area of the store. Always keep 6 feet/floor squares between you, our staff and other customers and move through the store with caution.

We allow 6 individual customers, (up to 8 persons if 4 or fewer households), in the store. You may be asked to wait until you can shop safely. If you are just here for pick up, let a staff member know and we can ring you up over the phone!

We allow 6 individual customers, (up to 8 persons if 4 or fewer households), in the store. You may be asked to wait until you can shop safely. If you are just here for pick up, let a staff member know and we can ring you up over the phone!

What else we’re doing….

In addition to these in person shopping protocol, we have rearranged the store to make additional space for social distancing. Our cheap records now live outside and 4 additional racks were removed to ensure each rack in the middle of the store is 6ft apart. Racks no longer face each other, so customers never have to look through the bins face to face, Doors are left open at all times to ensure fresh air is circulated throughout the space.

We adhere to the #healthyatwork guidelines as set forth by the state of Kentucky and have implemented heightened sanitation and cleaning procedures at both opening and closing. Hours have been amended to 12-8 M-Sat and 12-4 Sun to make room for proper store cleaning. We work to stay on top of the most recent research and Covid-19 case number trends and weigh new data weekly to implement practices in the best interests of our community and our store. Additionally, store owners participate in monthly Covid-19 testing and staff are strongly encouraged to do sol. Everyone at Guestroom participates in regular temperature checks and safety guidelines as set forth by the state of Kentucky.

We continue to serve you remotely! You can always shop right here online! Curbside pick up, shipping, and central Louisville delivery options remain available.

Should you have any questions related to our Covid-19 operating procedures, or have special requests, please contact us here.